Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers 120 caps.

(4 recenzii ale clientilor)

119.00 lei


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Nutrex Lipo 6 Black 120 caps Hers

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black 120 caps Hers. Mod de administrare: se recomanda a se administra 3 capsule negre dimineata si inca 3 capsule dupa-amiaza . *Important: a se lua cu cel putin 6 ore inainte de somn. A nu se depasi NICIODATA 6 capsule pe zi. *Pentru cele mai bune rezultate Lipo 6 Black Hers nu ar trebui luat intre mese. Ar trebui consumat cu cel putin 30 de minunte inaintea unei mese. Acesta trebuie folosit in reprize – luati 8 saptamani apoi faceti o pauza de 4 saptamani.

Totul despre Nutrex Lipo 6 Black 120 caps Hers

Lipo 6 Black Hers este cel mai rau, rezistent si cel mai bun arzator de grasimi pentru femei creat vreodata. Acest supliment puternic opereaza intr-un teritoriu in care nici un alt produs nu a indraznit sa mearga. Lipo 6 Black Hers este creat sa atace grasimea corporala. Daca te-ai saturat de grasimea corporala si vrei sa o dai jos, avem solutia pentru tine! Lipo 6 Black Hers este singurul produs pentru femei care a indraznit sa mearga atat de departe. Daca cauti un produs care sa lupte alaturi de tine pentru a da grasimea jos, ai gasit ce cauti si ai nevoie.

Beneficii cheie:             

  • Dincolo de produsele obisnuite
  • Folositi cu atentie datorita efectelor sporite
  • Nu depasiti dozajul recomandat
  • Capsule cu lichid negru, absorbant rapid pentru rezultate optime

In concluzie, fiti atenti! Nu depășiți doza recomandată. Produsul nu este recomandat minorilor, femeilor insarcinate sau care alapteaza. Acesta este un supliment alimentar si nu trebuie sa inlocuiasca un regim alimentar variat. Inainte de inceperea oricarui program de antrenament sau nutritie, consultati medicul! Acest produs contine cafeina,evitati consumul de cofeina din alte surse.

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black 120 caps Hers

Nutrex Lipo 6 Black 120 caps Hers . Mode of administration: we recommend to administer three black capsules in the morning and another 3 capsules afternoon. * Really important: we recomand to take at least 6 hours before bedtime. Do not never exceed 6 capsules per day. * For best results you should not take it between meals. You should consume at least 30 mins before a meal. Lipo 6 Black Hers be used in the field – take it 8 weeks and then 4 weeks to make a break.

All about Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers 120 caps

Especially relevant: this product is the worst, resistant and most extreme fat burner for women ever created. Furthermore this powerful supplement operates in a territory no other product has not dared to go. In addition, Lipo 6 Black Hers was designed to attack body fat. In addition, if you are tired of body fat and want to take it off, we have the solution for you! Lipo 6 Black Hers is the only product for women who dared to go so far. Also, if you are looking for a product to fight with you to give lower fat, Lipo 6 Black Hers is what you are looking for and need.

Key Benefits:

  • Beyond the usual products
  • Use carefully because of increased effects
  • Also do not exceed the recommended dosage
  • In addition, the capsules with black liquid absorbent fast for optimum results

In conclusion, be careful! 

Do not exceed the recommended dose. The product is not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing. It is a food supplement and should not replace a varied diet. Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your doctor! In addition, this product contains caffeine, avoid caffeine from other sources. Hence you want to find more promotions, also you can acces our Facebook page: I-Nutrition. You can try also Lipo 6 Black 10 ct.

Informații suplimentare

Greutate 0.12 kg
Dimensiuni 13.5 × 7 × 7 cm


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4 recenzii pentru Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers 120 caps.

  1. Amina Zieadin (proprietar verificat)

    Iau câte 4 pastile pe zi și sunt eficiente cu adevărat ! Recomandarea este de 6,dar mi se pare prea mult având in vedere ca iau și Animal Flex (alte 8 pastile)

  2. Sorin (proprietar verificat)

  3. Alex Albiter (proprietar verificat)

  4. Remus Murzea (proprietar verificat)

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