Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine – 480ml

(9 recenzii ale clientilor)

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Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine 473 ml

Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine 473 ml. Mod de administrare: Va recomandam sa agitati bine inainte de a-l deschde. Este indicat sa consumati 1 portie zilnic, de preferat pe stomacul gol. *In zilele de antrenament consuma 1 portie cu 30 min inainte de exercitii.

Totul despre Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine 473 ml

L-Carnitina a fost mereu in dieta culturistilor, motivul? Functioneaza! Aceasta transporta grasimile catre muschi, unde sunt consumate pentru a oferi energie. Muschii contin cea mai mare cantitate de Carnitina in corp, ceea ce este foarte important pentru atleti. Acest produs are un gust deosebit de bun si nu contine coloranti artificiali. Consuma acest produs alaturi de o dieta sanatoasa si exercitii fizice.

Mai multe informatii:

Daca doresti sa aflii mai multe despre promotiile noastre, acceseaza pagina de Facebook: I-Nutrition. Afla mai multe informatii din pozele atasate. Daca vrei sa aflii mai multe despre acest produs, acceseaza: Nutrex Research.

Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine 473 ml

Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine 473 ml. Mode of administration: It is recomended to shake well before opening. It is recommended to consume one serving daily, preferably on an empty stomach. *In workout days consume 1 serving 30 minutes before exercise.

All about Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine 473 ml

Especially relevant: L-Carnitine was always in bodybuilders diet, why? Because it works! In addition, this transport fat to muscles, which are consumed to provide energy. Muscles contain the largest amount of Carnitine in the body, which is very important for athletes. Furthermore, this product has a good taste and contains no artificial colors. In conclusion, you should consume this product with a healthy diet and exercise.

More info:

Hence you want to find more promotions, also you can acces our Facebook page: I-Nutrition. Especially relevant is that you can find more nutritional information in the attached photos. Hence you want to find more about this product, also you can acces: Nutrex Research.

Informații suplimentare

Greutate 0.473 kg
Dimensiuni 17 × 7 × 7 cm

Berry Blast, Berry Blast | AMBALAJ DETERIORAT, Cherry Lime, Green Apple, Orange Mango


Nutrex Research

Nutrex logo

9 recenzii pentru Nutrex Liquid L-Carnitine – 480ml

  1. Cristian Brezian (proprietar verificat)

    Super ok!

  2. radu postolache (proprietar verificat)

    Foarte bun!

  3. Lorena Bontoiu (proprietar verificat)

  4. Oana

  5. Alex Albiter (proprietar verificat)

  6. Anghel Horatiu (proprietar verificat)

    Mult mai calitativa decit alte produse ,am transpirat literalmente și noaptea !Produs din America

  7. Alina Craciun (proprietar verificat)


  8. Larisa Coroian (proprietar verificat)

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